CHI+MED Game Competition 2014: Medical Student Errors


CHI+MED held a student game design competition in 2014. Over two months, teams were challenged to create a persuasive game that would get people reflecting on the causes of human error and raise awareness of blame culture within a healthcare context. The winners were selected through a combination of expert judging and testing with a group of players. We invite you to try all four of the games.

Medical Student Errors was created by Devon Buchanan and Angela Sheard. It is an interactive fiction about a day in a life of a junior doctor. The game looks at how people make and communicate about errors, both professionally and in everyday life. The player can move backwards and forwards through the game, exploring different dialogue options and finding out more about different issues through clicking on hyper-links. While the game is particularly relevant to medical students, the final scene offers us all a chance to reflect on our behaviour towards others as well as on the different aspects of human error and blame culture explored in the game.

Play Medical Student Errors.


You might be interested in exploring the other CHI+MED games that were developed as part of the competition.

Creative Commons Licence

This game is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.