Focus groups

Researchers at UCL need your help!
… and we have money and food to compensate you for your time.

We are organising focus groups to find out more about what you think of human error, blame culture and resilience to error. We’re interested in mistakes – why we make them, how often we make them and what happens when we make them in trivial and serious contexts. For example:

  • How often do you make errors? All the time, never or somewhere in between?
  • What do you think about errors? Are they sometimes funny? What about when they happen at work?
  • What do you think about fatal errors reported in the news? What do you think should happen to people after they’ve made a serious error?
  • Should we share errors more? What are the pros and cons of this? What are the challenges?
  • What can we do to prevent errors happening in the future?
  • Can Errordiary help? What should be the next steps for this project?

We are organising three focus groups on these subjects: one for members of the general public, one for medical professionals and one for people with diabetes. It would be particularly interesting to find out how these issues applied to medical staff (hence the medical professionals group ), if people with chronic conditions would benefit from sharing strategies to prevent error between each other (hence the diabetes group), and of course members of the public will have opinions and reactions towards these issues.

We want to feed what we learn into Errordiary, which is a project that aims to raise awareness and debate about human error and its related issues.

People who take part in the focus groups will be asked to share their views on these issues. Participants will be provided with refreshments and money as a thank-you for their time.

All focus groups will be held at the UCL Gower Street campus, which is close to Euston Square tube station. Focus groups will last approximately 2 hours. We are limited to 6-8 participants for each focus group.

Times and dates for the focus groups:

General public – WE ARE NOW FULL
Thursday 27th March 2014 – £40 for participation
5.30-6.00pm – registration, food and refreshments
6.00-8.00pm – focus group

People with diabetes – 1 PLACE REMAINING
Thursday 3rd April 2014 – £40 for participation
5.30-6.00pm – registration, food and refreshments
6.00-8.00pm – focus group

Medical Professionals (e.g. nurses, doctors, pharmacists, paramedics and emergency care practitioners, patient safety folk and trainers)

Thursday 10th April 2014 – £50 for participation
5.30-6.00pm – registration, food and refreshments
6.00-8.00pm – focus group

Please email Dr Dominic Furniss if you are interested and able to take part (). If you know someone who would be interested and able to take part please also share this information with them.